NAPIT Create Distribution Equipment Reporting Guidance
NAPIT have worked with the Energy Networks Association on the creation of a new reporting mechanism for issues found with Distribution Businesses' equipment, designed to make electricians' lives easier and improve electrical safety in the home.
Providing all the means necessary to effectively report issues with Distribution Business' (DB) service equipment, the reporting guidance includes all the information required to report an issue in two easy to understand documents.
Report issues with Distribution Business (DB) service equipment, the reporting guidance includes all the information required to report an issue in two easy to understand documents.
Commenting on the new guidance, David Smith, Chief Executive of the Energy Networks Association said:When distribution-side issues occur it's vital that they are identified quickly and communicated effectively to the correct Distribution Network Operator (DNO). We are grateful that NAPIT have spearheaded the creation of this guidance and designed it to fit in with the systems DNOs are already familiar with. We hope this will be a valuable resource to electrical installers and that supporting contributors from the wider industry will align on this important issue.
NAPIT Trade Association Chairman Frank Bertie said: Following the introduction of Amendment 3 to BS 7671 and changes made to the Electrical Installation Certificate (EIC), electrical installers are now unable to issue an EIC if there is an issue found with the Distribution Business or Suppliers equipment. This new guidance will make reporting issues found with the Distribution Businesses equipment much easier, saving installers time and improving safety. We hope to have the opportunity to work with Suppliers in the near future, and produce similar guidance on reporting issues with equipment in their remit.
The guidance describes the most common distribution-side issues electricians encounter, matching them to the universal codes Meter Operators currently use to report issues to Distribution Businesses. This introduces an effective reporting mechanism for everyone involved.
Including a handy explanation of MPAN numbers and a quick reference table, listing the contact details of Distribution Bodies by region, the guidance makes it easy to identify when an issue should be reported and who to call.
Download your free copy of the new guidance document via the Achievements tab at: NAPIT trade association
Article Published:
01 July 2015