IET Announces Amendment to BS 7671:2018
The IET has announced that a new Amendment will be released to BS 7671:2018 The IET Wiring Regulations 18th Edition.
The National Wiring Regulations Committee JPEL/64, confirmed last week that the Amendment, which will involve an individual update to Section 722: Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Installations, will be published in the early stages of next year. The IET believe that the update to Section 722 will be an advantage to both consumers and installers, they are confident that it will reduce the cost for both parties and make installing the charging points more efficient.
The Government have been allocated challenging targets to meet by 2030. This is for at least 50% of new car sales to be ultra-low emission, as a result of this they have invested £400 million to promote uptake.
Frank Bertie, NAPIT Chief Technical Officer said "JPEL/64 have been in discussions to update Section 722 of the Wiring Regulations for Electric Vehicle Charging Installations. The EV market is thriving right now and moving forwards at a fast pace. The update is necessary to ensure that EV installers have the correct guidance to hand for the installation of practical and safe charging points. NAPIT are keeping the industry up to speed with any developments in the EV market at the EXPO Technical Roadshows, taking place throughout the rest of 2019 and more dates for 2020 are soon to be released.
The update to the IET Wiring Regulations will be accessible to all, as an individual free-to-view document and will be available on the IET website when published, so keep an eye on for more information. To read their official announcement and the proposed timeline visit:
To view NAPIT upcoming EXPO Roadshow dates visit:
Article Published:
13 September 2019